Curriculum Spring 2010 (these are a .zip file)
This implementation was done in two different groups. The Tuesday group was not exposed to problem-based learning, the Thursday group was. Our hope was to find differences in how teachers designed their IA materials based on exposure to problem-based learning or not. On day 1 both groups learned about the Instructional Architect. On day 2 the Tuesday group focused on learning the technology more thoroughly, whereas the Thursday group was exposed to problem-based learning. Day three for both groups was spent reviewing and reflecting on what they learned in the previous two workshops and during implementation in their classrooms.
Curriculum taught Fall 2009 (these are a .zip file)
This implementation was done over instructional periods. They were taught the basics of the Instructional Architect on day 1 and day 2 they learned advanced features of the IA. Inquiry based learning, in the form of problem-based learning, was introduced on day 3 and the discussion continued on the final day of the program.
Attributes of Effective Professional Development
We are conducting research and literature reviews to uncover the attributes of effective teacher professional development; these are summarized in this overview.
effectivePD.PDF (Uploaded 24 October 2006)